_Parent Committee
A healthy and active Parent Committee is a vital part of any successful scout group. Scouting is a volunteer organisation that relies on the support and input of the families within it's community. The group committee provides back-up to the uniformed leaders to ensure the Group is compliant with regulations, the Group facilities are up to standard and there is enough financing to support the activities of the Group. Our fundraising sub-committee work very hard throughout the year to raise funds to maintain our group and fund youth attendence at activities such as jamborees.
The Committee has a number of officers who are elected at our Annual General Meeting held each year in April/May. For details of these roles, see the links below .
Committee meetings are held on the Fourth Monday of each month from 6:45. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to find out more information about joining the parent committee or fundraising committee should contact the Leader-In-Charge Chris Micallef, or go through our Contacts page.
A healthy and active Parent Committee is a vital part of any successful scout group. Scouting is a volunteer organisation that relies on the support and input of the families within it's community. The group committee provides back-up to the uniformed leaders to ensure the Group is compliant with regulations, the Group facilities are up to standard and there is enough financing to support the activities of the Group. Our fundraising sub-committee work very hard throughout the year to raise funds to maintain our group and fund youth attendence at activities such as jamborees.
The Committee has a number of officers who are elected at our Annual General Meeting held each year in April/May. For details of these roles, see the links below .
Committee meetings are held on the Fourth Monday of each month from 6:45. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to find out more information about joining the parent committee or fundraising committee should contact the Leader-In-Charge Chris Micallef, or go through our Contacts page.
Our Current Parent Committee
President - Tanya Sorgsepp
Vice President - vacant
Secretary - Ken Gordon
Treasurer - Ellen Hogarth
Quartermaster - vacant
Hall Maintenance - vacant
Hall Hire - vacant
Scarves - Mary-Anne Micallef
Website - vacant
Job Week Coordinator - vacant
Public Relations - vacant
Grants - vacant
Fundraising - vacant
Committee - Belinda Cochrane, Mary-Anne Micallef, Katrina Pickering, Jason Weston
President - Tanya Sorgsepp
Vice President - vacant
Secretary - Ken Gordon
Treasurer - Ellen Hogarth
Quartermaster - vacant
Hall Maintenance - vacant
Hall Hire - vacant
Scarves - Mary-Anne Micallef
Website - vacant
Job Week Coordinator - vacant
Public Relations - vacant
Grants - vacant
Fundraising - vacant
Committee - Belinda Cochrane, Mary-Anne Micallef, Katrina Pickering, Jason Weston